Today is the 3rd day of their exam period. They did so many revisions and challenges in preparation for their exam. Yesterday was their Mathematic paper. When they reached home, I asked them to share their thoughts and experience they had when they sat for the paper. I interviewed my son first. "How was your exam paper?" I asked. He sat on the sofa, with his uniform still on and replied, "Oh it's very easy. I confirm get all correct." (-_-) I went on to ask which question did he find was the easiest and most difficult. "Oh there's no difficult question, I just do." Confidence level: Infinite. Haha. Then I went on to ask which question he finds requires more thinking and what other types of questions he could remember to share with. He also said that he triple-checked, not double, but triple. Following that, he continued talking for the next hour about his adventures in school. Then, I called my daughter to the living room to ask how her experience with the Mathematics paper was and she also shared that it was easy but she had some difficulty with the last few questions of booklet B. Her most straightforward question was symmetrical shading, and she remembered simplifying any fraction to the lowest.
We are all already curious to see how they did on the papers, and can't wait to go through them together. Today is their Mother Tongue paper, and lastly will be their Science paper, good luck, all the best, and Insya Allah both of you will do well with flying colours.
No matter what the scores are going to be, it does not define who you are or the value of your knowledge. It will only be a reminder to continue and practice to be better than the previous. Mama and Abah will love you no matter what grade, and only want you to be happy and proud of the things you achieve.
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