Finally I've finished preparing my materials for Monday. It's the fasting month and my time gets busier each day. Working full day a.m. to p.m. and having classes on alternate days, an addition to that, 'portfolio time'. June holidays for you guys, but it's brainstorm-days for me.
I am looking forward to the moment I can turnover from working full to part-time. You see, my mind never stop thinking and talking on the inside, it never shut up even for a split second. I kept thinking about the days I spend with strangers' children more than my own children, and when the weekend comes, I can only look at my children during their sleep thinking how fast they'd grown smarter and taller though still small in size. From when they have those chubby-bunny cheeks and tiny-mini lips to scars on their faces and making choices of their own.
I wished to spend the day with them and when they need me. I feel like I hadn't given them much attention at all, because by the time we got home to be able to (not do anything) rest, it would be the time for us to sleep.
Things are better now, but I wouldn't say the best yet where we could all lay on the couch with a bowl of cereal watching Netflix till the a.m., there are minor complications from the past still lingering around my forehead, I've put some work to it and I can only wait for replies from the respective agencies. At times I even forgot about what I've been through at all, hahaha. What matters is, I have to look forward, not for me, but for my children, and us <3