Sunday, 10 December 2017

A new kind of pet

It has been a long time, again, since the last time I posted on blog. So recently I’ve got myself a new pet, another new pet.

I had been finding and browsing for any kind of adoption and post about lost rabbit that I can find. Not for long, I finally found an open for adoption post. Lucky for me, the owner of the rabbit lived near-by around my house. They claimed that the reason they can't continue to care for it was because their parent was sick and can’t be close with any kind of dust/fur, and it’s best to avoid inhaling those. They gave the rabbit away without any fee, which I felt bad at that time, they even gave all the necessities like leftover hays, bedding, grooming set, an acrylic bunny cage and also the pet carrier, and that, would’ve cost me a few hundred dollars.

When the rabbit reached it’s new home, My Home, I gave it some space and time for it to get comfy around the house. I went to search the internet on what rabbits could and couldn’t eat and lots of how to videos. I had zero '0' idea about caring for a rabbit because I’m more of a cat person, I had no idea how to interact with bunnies at all like “Do they understand me?”, “Does putting the cage at this corner makes a difference for its living?” and all sorts of weird thoughts. Unlike cats, rabbits are more sensitive and doesn’t make noises, which puts me in a difficult position to know when the rabbit like or dislike something or when it needs anything at all.

Lucky for me, I’ve bonded and tried to do things together with my bunny over the past year.
