Decided to bring along the camera and take some shots fetching them from school on another Friday. Walked home from school and brought Mono outdoor for a little while. It was a crazy hot weather just like any other day. Usually I'd bring along a must have umbrella, funny how I find it important now than before, I hated umbrellas that I'd rather walk in the rain than to pack an umbrella the whole day in my bag, well.. back then haha.
I've been feeling weird lately. Missed period in January(but I don't wanna think otherwise.) My usual symptoms before my period would be being a clean-af-woman where I find myself doing spring cleaning from morning until night comes, spick and span, cleaning of the turtle tank in the a.m. folding everyone's wardrobe, putting things in place in the storeroom, and whatever that's placed somewhere it doesn't belong around the house, it'll find it's way back to where it does belong. That will go on for a few days till I start to breakdown and stop everything that's important to life, strictly no washing of dishes, no cleaning, no washing can't even get myself out of bed, and even if I did, it's mealtime and back to sleep for many hours, maybe even 24 hours of sleep haha, and that will go on until... it's time.
We are looking forward to a tiny junior but we're still waiting, we'll wait through all the uncountable pregnancy test kits, we will still wait for you, Insyaa Allah.
Getting everything ready for tomorrow, husband's track day round 2! Vroom vroom! 🏍