Friday, 7 October 2022

A whole day with Mum, Dad and babies

A fulfilling day today. It's the Children's Day holiday, and it's also my off day. Then my parents want to bring us out, to get the kids' presents. Qasya got his replacement of school shoes, and then I brought him to have his hair cut before meeting the grandparents in the later afternoon. Dad parked his motorbike at Yew Tee, and then we travelled to Vivo by train, yup, train. with the parents.

Went to Sketchers to replace Qasya's sandals, and he got his favourite Minecraft shoes too. So he bought a total of 3 shoes in one day. Then we head to toys r us for toys. Qasya discovered a new arrival for Marvel's Lego set, and Fina found her collection pieces from Mini Brand's collection!! Ended the day with the usual doughnuts, and some Baskin-Robins, and met with my uncle who then send us all home after some ala carte seafood at Pasir Panjang Food Centre.

Happy Belated to my girl and boy again, and happy Children's Day!

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