Sunday, 3 April 2022

Second day of the Fasting Month 2022

Today is the 2nd day of puasa. The kids are doing a pretty good job so far. Hope they cope with their thirst and hunger well during school today.

We managed to sell the balance items that were staying at our house rent-free. 5 pcs of diatomite mat and 4 pcs of the 3-tier food organiser. We used to have A-HELLA-LOT of them, more than 10 I would say. It took us months to finally clear them. I felt bad for the items because we put them outside for so long that even specks of dust were collected, and the condition of the box, with all the cat business, it's not in tip-top condition I would say. Alhamdulillah on this random morning, it was all sold. We are trying to clear the balance stocks we have for the pocket perfume too. There are many scents to choose from and it is selling at $3 per bottle now. It used to be $6 per bottle. Well, it's a clearance sale as we called it.

I used to have hundreds of ideas to want to sell many things. I feel that we were too overwhelmed with everything. It's time to take a step back and focus on the more important and basic things first.

Been wishing to restock the ice pops again, but have not had the time yet. Hopefully soon <3 
