Thursday, 27 October 2022

Their exam period

Today is the 3rd day of their exam period. They did so many revisions and challenges in preparation for their exam. Yesterday was their Mathematic paper. When they reached home, I asked them to share their thoughts and experience they had when they sat for the paper. I interviewed my son first. "How was your exam paper?" I asked. He sat on the sofa, with his uniform still on and replied, "Oh it's very easy. I confirm get all correct."  (-_-) I went on to ask which question did he find was the easiest and most difficult. "Oh there's no difficult question, I just do." Confidence level: Infinite. Haha. Then I went on to ask which question he finds requires more thinking and what other types of questions he could remember to share with. He also said that he triple-checked, not double, but triple. Following that, he continued talking for the next hour about his adventures in school. Then, I called my daughter to the living room to ask how her experience with the Mathematics paper was and she also shared that it was easy but she had some difficulty with the last few questions of booklet B. Her most straightforward question was symmetrical shading, and she remembered simplifying any fraction to the lowest.

We are all already curious to see how they did on the papers, and can't wait to go through them together. Today is their Mother Tongue paper, and lastly will be their Science paper, good luck, all the best, and Insya Allah both of you will do well with flying colours.

No matter what the scores are going to be, it does not define who you are or the value of your knowledge. It will only be a reminder to continue and practice to be better than the previous. Mama and Abah will love you no matter what grade, and only want you to be happy and proud of the things you achieve.

Friday, 7 October 2022

A whole day with Mum, Dad and babies

A fulfilling day today. It's the Children's Day holiday, and it's also my off day. Then my parents want to bring us out, to get the kids' presents. Qasya got his replacement of school shoes, and then I brought him to have his hair cut before meeting the grandparents in the later afternoon. Dad parked his motorbike at Yew Tee, and then we travelled to Vivo by train, yup, train. with the parents.

Went to Sketchers to replace Qasya's sandals, and he got his favourite Minecraft shoes too. So he bought a total of 3 shoes in one day. Then we head to toys r us for toys. Qasya discovered a new arrival for Marvel's Lego set, and Fina found her collection pieces from Mini Brand's collection!! Ended the day with the usual doughnuts, and some Baskin-Robins, and met with my uncle who then send us all home after some ala carte seafood at Pasir Panjang Food Centre.

Happy Belated to my girl and boy again, and happy Children's Day!

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Fiction Waters

There was an event by the waters. It looked like it was near a wide open sea, a beautiful sight at night, under the dark blue sky. People were seen standing on metal structures to get a better view of the performance. I was heading to the restroom after the whole hype, I can also hear the crowd's voices starting to fade when a girl was staring at me to get my attention. She looked like the person who is managing the event's lighting or sound system because of all the wires she had from her head to her waist. I approached her as she took out her phone from her back pocket and then showed me a picture of a familiar guy with a tattoo on his neck. It was him. Never supposed to exist. The girl feel the same fury in her as I had in me, she saw how mad and angry I was as I held the phone, scanning through the crowds knowing he is somewhere near, at the beach party. I wasn't sure why she did what she did, but I continue to wonder, how she knew him, until the end of that scene.

- For those who are wondering, it's coming from the dream I had last night though. Haha.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

10th second October

We were all in the living room watching the television when the clock struck 12 midnight, abah sang the birthday song, while I run into the kitchen to retrieve the gas lighter for the stove. I switched the lights and fans off. Fire up the gas lighter, and waited for Fina to blow her fire at the end of the song, also holding the wait to the delivery person that just arrived at our door to collect money for the McDonald's we ordered.

Went to work in the later morning. Bought her present from Kiddy Palace right after work, and then ran to the basement for the cake. I light the cake on the staircase beside my unit. Pressed the bell. Fina opened the door, and we sang the birthday song with the lighted cake in my hands. She was smiling, with her mouth open. She was expecting me to quickly reach home from work so that we can be on our way to Sentosa faster, but the cake and present were the added bonus to my return home.

We cut the cake into small pieces and gave out the remaining to our neighbours. Double-checked our items-to-bring list (not the forget the umbrella), then off we go.

My sister and her husband were working at a food event on the day we went to Sentosa, so we find them, exchange our hellos and grab some food and drinks from the many stalls, before heading to the beach. There were so many people, it was so hot, we had to queue and we were also rushing for time. After getting a box of keropok lekor, a set of bombolinis, and some meh drinks, we picked a spot near the restroom, which was also behind a gigantic rock.

We dug into the food we bought right away, and then head straight for the water. It was sunny and windy at first. Minutes later the sky went heavy filled with dark clouds, but it didn't rain yet, so we continued our wet play, sand scrub massage and sand digging. Fina found seaweed and placed it on all of our heads. She also brewed 'seaweed soup' from the new ingredient she found at the beach.

We watched the beautiful sunset in the open sky above the(dirty) sea until there was lightning and thunder. We started to pack and wash. Thankful for the umbrella, we managed to shelter ourselves to find the next nearest shelter and the next. Slowly moving forward to our best exit from the island. We reached Harbourfront by bus and most shops were about to close, we settle to have our dinner at KFC. Then we returned home, unpacked our day's worth of dirty clothes and ended the night.

Happy birthday my dear, Putri Sarafina Qhalisya.
