Saturday, 8 August 2020

Surviving FT Working Stay At Home Mum

Yes, transiting to a full-time stay at home mum. Not that I wasn't a stay at home mum back then, I was. I'd spend money on things like Grab (food or transportation), buying ingredients for my small beverage business and other sort of every day essentials at home. When I juggle being a stay at home mum, spending money and saving money I realized at some point, I became worried.

Since I would be staying home and doing the mother/wife duties. I might as well go for 'drop-ship'. I started to search on online engines about available drop-shipping vacancies and join a team. That particular team was focusing on beauty products, then I decided to join 2-3 other teams. By then, I become a reseller of foods, beauty products, halal supplements and Islamic learning tools.

I may not have 100 sales per day, I may not earn 50% of commission after a sale, I may not profit $1000 a month and that's all okay. I aim to provide these customers an ease, a satisfaction most importantly, leave them a great impression and expression during their sales with me.

Staying home & earn commissions sounds great to you, but also it requires sacrifices. In fact, all work requires any kind of scarification, be it your time, your money, your efforts even your phone battery(in my case). Occasionally, we're required to 'spam' posts and add more 'friends' so that people are aware of what we're selling and from there you need to hook viewers' attention during the time spent scrolling on their phones.

Tip #1: I sacrificed some subscription to automatically posts today, tomorrow and into the future. Which saves me some time in case I may be attending family-related events, who knows right?

Then I take some time to adjusts the comments section, make it more "me" than to just copy-pasting raw material. After I've earned some profit or have extra cash flow with me, I began to buy the products myself. I tried them on personally and give my own thoughts, and from there I get my own ideas to draw people to the product that I'm actually using.

Tip #2: I'd be honest in my posts, and tell my friends and family that I legitimately, bought and tried the product for myself.

At the same time, that leveled up my confidence to a step higher, because I learned and understood the product even more and in time, it felt like I'm selling 'my' own product. Build a bond with what you're selling.

We're all not perfect, I'm not perfect, I have my great days and lazy days, busy days and special days. With all these days, the leaders of the teams will keep pushing you to promote despite you busy days! Posting and promoting about 100 products can consume the time equivalent to a whole 2 days! Once, I didn't sleep during those days, was so engrossed and focused on making the accounts neat and tidy for the visitors to see. But what's done is done.

Tip #3: Make a schedule and reminder. Doesn't need to be a physical one, try to remind yourself. Post a few in the morning, post another in the mid day and another in the night and the rest of the day is a breeze. Set a schedule of what you have to do at home. Let yourself be the boss of you, not the virtual selling.

Make time to cook, attend to the children, do the house chores, most importantly not to forget your meals, don't need to be a big meal, a meal just so you don't starve yourself from being a busy bee. Also, make time to take short naps, to refresh you mind and eyes.

Tip #4: Family matters, the golden rule above all, family matters.

From these hustle, I was able to enroll Basic Food & Hygiene Course, to benefit my sole beverage business. Which from what I remembered, I do have some customers from the opposite side of Singapore from where I am, and I'm planning to expand my area of business, keen to join me? Find me! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 

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