Monday, 21 June 2021

Bicycle and badminton afternoon

I wanted to go anywhere, somewhere today, but remembered I got a video interview at 5pm. So I decided we should just play outside of our house today. Brought along my dad's badminton 🏸 and Fina's bicycle.

The kids are playing with bubbles now.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

My dose of Covid-19 vaccine

So I'm under observation, just got the 1st dose of Covid-19 vaccine. 😭 and I hate ALL injections. I was so tensed that the officer had to ask if I'm afraid of needles cos I was breathing in and out so fast haha. I tried so hard to avoid looking at the needle, but then she showed me, literally. Thank God she was gentle, polite and calm in throughout the procedure. 💉
One more dose to go!

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Today is Fina's first trial entry


"Hello? Hi? What should we say? How do we start?" Nope, I'm just asking my daughter on how would she start this post. I'll leave this entry to her. Now, it's 02:59am, Qasya is asleep on the couch, husband went out with his friends to.... somewhere, anywhere. I've searched online and prepared some questions for her to kickstart this random post today.


  1. Three things I love about myself:
    I love to go out with my family and my very best friends.
    i like to go out and play with my little brother and my baby cousin.
    i love my whole family and everyone!

  2. I feel scared when...
    i feel scared when fire ants BITE MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Who is my favorite superhero?
    flash,wonder women,ravin
  4. The happiest day of my life was...
    going to the beach with aayden's family.

  5.  My favourite animal is..
