“Change has to come for life to struggle forward.” – Helen Hollick Press Play on left sidebar for music.
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Counting the days..
Tonight's henna party reminds me that she's left with a few days until she'd become a Mrs. A day which we will celebrate to a new family member, a new family branch and to future areas of discussions. When everyone used to live under one roof, we witness their well being, if they'd eaten, went out, up all night with their computers, went to school, not home, had a fight, birthday gatherings, eating on the floor with newspapers altogether. Now, we will start to ask 'how are you?', 'where are you from?', 'what do you do every other day?'.
I still remember how we will always be in the toilet together, walk to the shop together, sleep together, steal together? iron our hair together, literally using an iron, how we used to pretend we were sleeping with our favourite wrestling stars but it was just our bolster, our skip-school days and head to Marsiling CC for karaoke, the times where we sneak out to loiter around the house at night and sssssloooowlyyyy minding every step we make just so our parents or brothers can't hear us, our moments swimming in the small bathroom by covering the drain hole with a towel.
Looking forward to your wedding, beloved sister 💖 Don't worry about anyone else, only think about what makes you happy first.
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Qasya's first collage with MS Word
Qasya reached home and showed me a worksheet he'd received in school. He's going to present a 'show and tell' in class next week. Tokpik: Diri Saya.
Since I'm planning to print something tomorrow, I might as well help to complete his homework early. So I decided to use this opportunity and guide him to create a collage for his school work.
ps: Sorry that we didn't think about doing it like this back then Fina (^-^")
Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Sunday, 9 February 2020
Singamoto Trackday Round 2
The editing, vetting, compiling and making is finally done. We've been busy for the aftermath of fatigue, visitation to the hospital for an x-ray, to making kid's morning for school while still going through the media process. Mood: Hungry and sleepy, but I can't go to sleep now(11.53am), I still need to take a shower and fetch the kids from school in the afternoon(1.30pm), and that's soon.
Kudos to the team! Love the thrill, fun and enthusiasm during each event. Most importantly, get well soon to my husband who was one of the few that got into an accident during the event. Rest well baby, I'll stand by you 😉, don't give up. Fall 3 times, get back up 4.
Friday, 7 February 2020
Camera on a Friday
Decided to bring along the camera and take some shots fetching them from school on another Friday. Walked home from school and brought Mono outdoor for a little while. It was a crazy hot weather just like any other day. Usually I'd bring along a must have umbrella, funny how I find it important now than before, I hated umbrellas that I'd rather walk in the rain than to pack an umbrella the whole day in my bag, well.. back then haha.
I've been feeling weird lately. Missed period in January(but I don't wanna think otherwise.) My usual symptoms before my period would be being a clean-af-woman where I find myself doing spring cleaning from morning until night comes, spick and span, cleaning of the turtle tank in the a.m. folding everyone's wardrobe, putting things in place in the storeroom, and whatever that's placed somewhere it doesn't belong around the house, it'll find it's way back to where it does belong. That will go on for a few days till I start to breakdown and stop everything that's important to life, strictly no washing of dishes, no cleaning, no washing can't even get myself out of bed, and even if I did, it's mealtime and back to sleep for many hours, maybe even 24 hours of sleep haha, and that will go on until... it's time.
We are looking forward to a tiny junior but we're still waiting, we'll wait through all the uncountable pregnancy test kits, we will still wait for you, Insyaa Allah.
Getting everything ready for tomorrow, husband's track day round 2! Vroom vroom! 🏍
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Pet Summary
Juju, her full name was Juliet was first bought and brought home with her pair, Romeo who was lost in the midst of our home transitioning. I'm not sure how he was lost and I'm pretty sure tortoises don't jump out of tank. My husband and I was walking around Big Box that one day, and entered a small aquarium shop. I do remember by heart that he bought the turtles to mark a special day, maybe my birthday 2-3 years ago. I wasn't confident on taking care of a tortoise at first, I kept watching videos on YouTube, Google many articles on knowledge and ideas to make our dear lil turtur safe at home. Now, my not-so-small tortoise is trained to even call us from her tank at the corner of the dining room for attention. How? She will flap her what are those? webbed feet? flippers? arms? yeah, you know it, and she'll make this blobloblobblob sound until, I walk towards her, and she will stop. She enjoys crawling around the house, but I don't, she'll end up with some dust, hair or fur on her skin, and I'll always need to vet her before she goes back into her water.
Belle is our very first cat in the house, though she may be the 13th, 14th? or 20th pet cat in my entire life. She was adopted through Facebook, delivered by a courier service and we received her in a huge box, during that time, we had our rabbit families, sadly we had to let them go. Belle is soft spoken, her fur is long and fluffy soft, her eyes... pulls you into another 100th dimension you never knew existed, but she's always lazy to clean her eyes or even herself and clumsy during most of her life with us, she fell down the bed, fell down the stairs, slipped across the floor while running or hopping. She is one silly cute cat.
One day, my cousin asked if I'm able to adopt another feline. He found a 2 young kitten locked in a pet carrier at his void deck, and he brought them home. He couldn't handle both to he asked if I could help him out there. I took one of the young kitten. When I reached my cousin's place, and I took her out of the carrier, she climbed onto my body so tightly and her claws were stuck on my shirt she didn't want to let go. Maybe she was scared, she had no idea what's going to happen to her being left under the void deck and then someone brought her home and back out again. Now, she's my vain, sporty, neat and noisy cat. She enjoys hair brushing more than me, that each time I comb my hair after shower, she'll come running for her private fur brush session with me.
Recently, we finally brought home these 2 active, playful, feisty, young cats. They were found in a vehicle part at a garage by some of my husband's friends who were, mechanics and works with motorbikes. They were still a kitten, meowing with their squeaky voice and playing with each other in a carton box. I came by the garage one night, and helped my friend to feed the kittens some kitten formula milk in a small bottle. The fuss, the scratch, and they were held down and forced to drink their milk by me haha. Weeks later, I dropped by again and they were already bigger and each time I come to the garage, I'll sit and play with them in their cage. I think they'd already recognise me. The often I visit, the more I was thinking about taking them home, but I hesitated because I'm afraid if I couldn't afford to have any more feline at home, like will their food be enough? Will they litter randomly around the house? I was asking myself to many questions. Until, my friend couldn't find time to care for them, they'd been in the cage for as long as I can remember, with the loud sounds of the exhaust and engines and motorsports. Maybe they did bring the kitten out for a while, but the rest of the time they had to be inside their cage for safety measures. My friend offered if I would be interested to help her out to re-home the kittens. With no doubt, I said yes! I was so excited, to welcome them home to make new friends with our other felines, and be the cat they can be at our home 😊 Mono is very curious and observant, she will come in the call of her name. She enjoys cuddling with humans during our sleep, she's very clean and knows when to bite during play and not during petting. She's able to control her claws better now, and is aware that we do feel pain if she bites or uses her sharp claws to grasp on us. Mina is a quiet, girly, and a playful solo. She's very active during play time and enjoys eating wet food more than her kibbles. She enjoys cuddling with humans during our TV time, she will jump up on us, or rub her body against us while we're watching the TV. She's is also a gentle cat, like Belle. She does not bite or scratch, but she does enjoy stretching and scratching our cork-board that's hanging on the wall.
To sum everything up, I love them with all my heart 💖
New Skin, New Feel
"What? Blogger? In 2020?" 😁 I mean, why not right? Above were photos of us taken earlier yesterday. Our daily weekday routine, fetch them from school, rush house chores, checking their school books, going through our daily lessons at home, breaking down their daily spending in school on paper, and think about what to cook today, later, tonight and tomorrow morning.
Now they're practicing to pack food from home for their recess and more fresh fruits and grains for their snack time in school. I'm a proud mum to witness all the skills they acquire at their present age now. Recently, my daughter learnt to cook rice 😊, for real. That is how much I could depend on her at home and in character, apart from the usual dish washing, laundry folding and cleaning of her own room. My baby girl whom I used to talk to while rubbing my belly round and round in the long warm shower in the past, when I was unsure she is even living, is now my 8 year old feisty little girl.
My son, has grown pretty fast too. I'm now quite sure how to describe it, but I know when I see changes and development in himself. He may not grasp physical things as fast as his sister, but he catches quickly on other details. Like the way he talks, and shows his interest in his friends, future and studies. While I was hanging the laundry a few days ago, he came into the laundry area and sat on the wooden bench beside me. He was practicing to tie the rope on his pants, which I taught him a moment before. When he finally, somehow tied it, he cheered but said it was messy. "It's okay, you only need to practice more, not just today but any other days too." I said. Then he replied, "Yes, because the more you practice, the more you understand.. And then the more you understand, the more you know, and then the more you know the better you will be." I paused and stared into another dimension's galaxy. Haha, and those words came from my 7 year old clumsy, blur, sleepy and a cry-baby son. He is also very talented in drawing pictures of vehicles. My stack of A4 papers that I place under our study table, can vanish in 1 week without my supervision, he'll continue drawing and drawing, about sport cars, his first day at school, even a map showing the journey to school with the little details like how the bus turns and the traffic lights we will pass and so on. But one thing that he hasn't change about himself, is being a whiny boy who cries and talks while complaining all at the same time, about what? About fairness, and his sister. Always, fighting. Even when watching television, I feel like breaking everything in the house in half for each of them 😂.
Time will always be precious when I'm with you my dear kids. Don't be sad when I'm angry at you, know that I'll end up laughing when I turn around trying to stay mad at you. I love you my Fina and Qasya 💓
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